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Point2dExtension Class

Provides extension methods for the Point2d type.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Gile.AutoCAD.Geometry
Assembly:  GeometryExtensions (in GeometryExtensions.dll) Version: (
public static class Point2dExtension

The Point2dExtension type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberConvert3d(Point2d)
Converts a Point2d into a Point3d with a Z coordinate equal to 0.
Public methodStatic memberConvert3d(Point2d, Plane)
Converts a Point2d into a Point3d according to the specified plane.
Public methodStatic memberConvert3d(Point2d, Vector3d, Double)
Converts a Point2d into a Point3d according to the plane defined by its Normal an Elevation.
Public methodStatic memberFlatten
Projects the point on the XY plane of WCS.
Public methodStatic memberIsBetween(Point2d, Point2d, Point2d)
Gets a value indicating if pt lies on the segment p1p2 using Tolerance.Global.
Public methodStatic memberIsBetween(Point2d, Point2d, Point2d, Tolerance)
Gets a value indicating if pt lies on the segment p1p2 using the specified Tolerance.
Public methodStatic memberIsInside
Get a value indicating if the specified point is inside the extents.
Public methodStatic memberPolar
Defines a point with polar coordiantes relative to a base point.
See Also