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Gile.AutoCAD.Geometry Namespace

Public classCircularArc2dExtension
Provides extension methods for the CircularArc2d type.
Public classCircularArc3dExtension
Provides extension methods for the CircularArc2d type.
Public classCurve3dExtension
Provides extension methods for the Curve3d type.
Public classCurveExtension
Provides extension methods for the Curve type.
Public classEditorExtension
Provides extension methods for the Editor type.
Public classEllipseExtension
Provides extension methods for the Ellipse type.
Public classHatchExtension
Provides extension methods for the Hatch type.
Public classPoint2dCollectionExtension
Provides extension methods for the Point2dCollection and IEnumerable<Point2d> types.
Public classPoint2dExtension
Provides extension methods for the Point2d type.
Public classPoint3dCollectionExtension
Provides extension methods for Point3dCollection and IEnumerable<Point3d> types.
Public classPoint3dExtension
Provides extension methods for the Point2d type.
Public classPoint3dTree
Provides methods to organize 3d points in a Kd tree structure to speed up the search of neighbours. A boolean constructor parameter (ignoreZ) indicates if the resulting Kd tree is a 3d tree or a 2d tree. Use ignoreZ = true if all points in the input collection lie on a plane parallel to XY or if the points have to be considered as projected on the XY plane.
Public classPolygon2d
Describes a Polygon 2D.
Public classPolyline2dExtension
Provides extension methods for the Polyline2d type.
Public classPolyline3dExtension
Provides extension methods for the Polyline3d type.
Public classPolylineExtension
Provides extension methods for the Polyline type.
Public classPolylineSegment
Descibes a Polyline segment
Public classPolylineSegmentCollection
Describes a PolylineSegment collection.
Public classRegionExtension
Provides extension methods for the Region type.
Public classSplineExtension
Provides extension methods for the Spline type.
Public classTreeNodeT
Describes a generic tree node.
Public classVector2dExtension
Provides extension methods for the Vector2d type.
Public classVector3dExtension
Provides extension methods for the Vector2d type.
Public classViewportExtension
Provides extension methods for the Viewport type.
Public structureEulerAngles
Provides conversions between Euler angles, transformation matrix and Normal / Rotation properties.
Public structureTriangle2d
Describes a triangle within a plane. It can be seen as a structure of three Point2d.
Public structureTriangle3d
Describes a triangle within the 3D space. It can be seen as a structure of three Point3d.
Public enumerationCoordSystem
Enumeration of AutoCAD coordinate systems.
Public enumerationPolylineExtensionPointContainment
Defines the way the point is contained.
Public enumerationTangentType
Enumeration of the tangent types.